Wednesday, November 30, 2011


At the age of 8, he started Mimicry by imitating his teachers and relatives at home and slowly went ahead to imitate Celebrities, Cricketers, Political Leaders, Film personalities, poets, singers, animal sounds, Mechanical Sounds, Musical Instruments etc.,

Mesmirised by Mimicry Meastro Padmasri Dr. Nerella Venu Madhav in 1975 at the International Telugu Mahasabha, Hari determined to reach the peaks in the world of mimicry. Venu Madhav became his role-model inspiring him to learn the different aspects of mimicry and ventriloquism

Mr. Kishan was a teacher of Mathematics and Physics at the All Saint's High School, Hyderabad. He quit his job and dedicated his whole time for Mimicry.

Mimicry Meastro Padmasri
Dr. Nerella Venu Madhav

Mimicry Hari kishan worked as lecturer in Department of Mimicry in the Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.

Mimicry is basically an art of entertainment. He gave over 10,000 shows from 1971 allover the world. He has established World Record in Mimicry on 24th March, 2000 by imitating 100 human voices in One Hour and awarded the title of "SATA KANTHA DHVANYANUKARANA DUREENA"

He gave scientific demonstrations in voice manipulation, frequency, pitch, variation, modulation, diction which matter a lot while performing. He recreates scenes from Jurassic Park and Anaconda, EVIL DEAD, Mecannas Gold, Mummy, Mummy Returns Etc., using his vocal chords and give you the feeling that you are watching one of Spielberg's greatest hits.
Being an Educationalist, he prefers to give a moral and new dimension to every aspect of presentation. And avid reader, Hari kishan constantly updates his knowledge bank on current affairs. Be it the sudden collapse of a government, Laloo's antics or the world Cup cricket match, he has his finger on the pulse. He is widely travelled and extolled in NRI circles in UAE, US and UK. He makes his audience always find him fresh and different with over 10,000 shows to his credit to date.

Spontaneity, Creativity, Instant imitation, Effective communication and presentation etc., are his highlights. With a lot of practice, training and dedication he reached the stage to be recognised by one and all. He presented in Eenadu Television a programme called "NAVVITE NAVARATNALU". And also he is presenting programme in FM Rain bow, a famous radio channel.

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